Thursday, 2 January 2014

Still alive

I figured it might be time to finally update this thing, as the last time I did it was... a while ago, so here it is. It's time to tell you all what I've been up to.

Welp, I got a good grade for my university work and graduated : D I shook John Hurt's hand at my graduation ceremony, and about a month later I went to a book signing with a friend and hugged Neil Gaiman. About a week before graduation I got offered a job in an awesome shop in Norwich, not unlike Forbidden Planet, only without comics. I really enjoy it, and I love working with like-minded people, they're all really nice, and cool, and we all get along really well.

I'm saving up to do an MA in Screenwriting still, but i'm going to need to do more hours at work if that's going to happen, so I'm gonna' be requesting that after Christmas : ) I've been working full time since the end of November, and it's made it really difficult to find the time to get any drawing done, but that doesn't mean I haven't been drawing, and planning ; D I've got really into American comics just recently, and they've really inspired me, I won't tell you what I'm planning, but I'm working with a couple of friends on it, and if we pull it off, it'll be pretty cool : D If you guys have a chance, I highly recommend a comic called Buzzkill, published by Dark Horse, it's an absolutely brilliant four issue short, there's a trade out in the new year collecting all four issues, which I am totally also getting. I happened to write in after reading issue one, and they published my letter and illustration I sent to them in the letter column in the last issue : D

I can't think of anything else to add, if you want to keep up to date with me and see what I'm up to, check my twitter, I put pictures up there too! If I think of anything I've forgotten I'll add it here later : )

Merry Christmas everyone, and a Happy New Year.