So, I didn't think this evening would be good, I don't like leaving the house to go out in the evenings, I'm a stay at home and read a book kind of girl, y'know? I was sitting in the pub earlier and I knew it was bad when I got excited about a dust mote I'd spotted.
But then it got really fun!
Glyn said his speech, then Rob (both super funny) and then almost everyone fucked off, including... what's his name, Ben? He's tall and handsome and he has curly hair, and I rather like him. But that was after one of his friends struck up an awkward conversation with me : ) I like that he tried.
I got asked a lot of times this evening if I was okay, I don't like having to tell people that I have an anxiety disorder, but maybe it's for the best *shrug* My friend Faye has a bracelet that she always has to wear, that says 'Penicillin allergy', maybe I should get one that says 'Anxiety disorder'. ANYWAY.
So yeah, most people left, and Sue invited me over to sit with her, so I sat with Rob and his wife, Sue, Chris and a couple other people, and it was really fun :D We talked about films and work and students and dissertations, it was nice just talking shop with a bunch of illustrators.
I left at the same time as Sue and Chris, they had to take the train back to London and my house is near the station so I walked with them, and we ended up in Tescos looking at sushi.
I didn't expect tonight to be so great : ) I'm glad I got to see Rob, I hope he goes off to do awesome stuff, I'm sure he will.
This week has sucked so hard, I had a tooth out of monday and it was pretty horrible, and since then I've been hurting, and super down on myself, so I've got no work done whatsoever. I'm glad I went out this evening, it's lifted my spirits, and I feel really ready to do some work now : ) Cool!
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