Monday, 15 April 2013

"Flurburbur Hobbit"

I have some piss easy edits to make on these comic covers before I can call them done, but I'm so mentally wiped from working madly on my dissertation earlier that I can't figure out the simplest of Photoshop magic, so I'm giving up for tonight. As well as not being able to show the edits that I'd promised Chris last week, I've also only done a page and a half of inking, and that's mainly because page two was already 80% done. This is not good.

What is good is that my sleeping schedule is almost back to normal, and what would be considered a good sleep pattern! My councellor will be pleased. I'm pleased. Apart from the horrific nightmares on friday night, it's going pretty good. I weighed myself last sunday and found that I'd worked so hard over Easter that I'd actually lost about 5lbs. Pff. No wonder I fit into those size 10 shorts.

My dissertation is almost all done, too. I had a crit with Catrin today wherein I found out that the dissertation deadline is not on the 29th, as Glyn so kindly told me on Thursday, but it is in fact the 19th, which is this friday. I think I might have finally calmed down, but I did come home and freak out a bit.

I've got just about everything written that I wanted to, now I just need to put it all into Word on a comp at uni, add the rest of the quote sources into the text, add all of the pictures into the chapters, reference all of the pictures in the bibliography, write up a table of illustrations, find out the final word count and write in the page numbers on the contents page. Then I just need to print it, get it ring bound and hand it in, hopefully. I'll try to get that done tomorrow after the crit and the meeting with Richard Peat, and if I don't finish it then I'll go in again on wednesday.

This kind've puts a stop to working on the inks for the comic, but there's not much I can really do about that. I hope Chris understands. I'll try to get some work done tomorrow morning to show to him (those comic cover edits), but we'll see eh?

This was supposed to be a short entry.

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